Plagiarism is defined in Wayne State University's Student Code of Conduct as "To take and use another’s words or ideas as one’s own." Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct, along with cheating and fabrication, and can result in disciplinary action.
There are many resources available on campus and online to help you with research and writing, and help you avoid plagiarism.
- Purdue Owl offer an online plagiarism overview.
- The University of Oklahoma has an excellent handout: Nine Things You Should Already Know About Plagiarism.
- Before you begin your research paper, use the Assignment Planner to plan your research paper. Good planning and time management can help you avoid plagiarism.
- Make an appointment at The Writing Center to get help with writing your paper, including integrating citations and creating your reference list.
- Part of avoiding plagiarism is citing sources accurately. The Wayne State Library's Citation Style Guides can help.
- Submit a draft of your paper to the Unicheck Student Plagiarism Self-Check Canvas site. You will need to self-enroll in the site to use Unicheck. This Canvas site is not connected to any classes and your instructor will not have access to the report through the site. You can self enroll using this link to the site.