While dissertations from Ph.D. earning graduates at Wayne State University are deposited with the library there is no university requirement for the deposit of master's degree theses.
Sometimes the library has a copy but most often we do not. You can search the catalog for your thesis at this link.
Your thesis may also be stored in the DigitalCommons@Wayne State Institutional repository. You can search for your thesis in the Digital Commons at this link.
If you do not locate your thesis in these catalogs, please contact your former department to ask if the copy was kept in their files.
The Arthur Neef Law Library maintains the LL.M. thesis collection, in print, shelved with the non-circulating Reserves materials. You may visit the law library to make copies. A title search of the catalog http://elibrary.wayne.edu/, using the phrase, “Wayne State University Law School Thesis”, will identify theses available.
For more information visit the WSU Dissertations & Theses Research Guide.