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Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024     Views: 1261

Unicheck is a plagiarism prevention service. It is used in conjunction with Canvas to help prevent plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers. In addition to acting as a plagiarism deterrent, it also has features designed to aid in educating students about plagiarism and the importance of proper attribution of any borrowed content. 

Unicheck can be accessed by students when an instructor creates an assignment within their Canvas course site. A Unicheck assignment can be accessed the same way as an ordinary assignment. Instructors can set up Unicheck for students to independently submit and check drafts of papers within their Canvas course. 

Students may also access a self-enroll Unicheck Student Plagiarism Self Check Canvas site to check drafts of papers. This site is not connected to any course, and only students have access to the draft paper reports they submit. To request more information about the self-enroll site, please use the following form

The Office for Teaching and Learning (OTL) can help you implement Unicheck. Check out their website for their upcoming workshops and events, or contact them directly for an appointment. 

Here is a guide on how to set up an Unicheck assignment in Canvas.


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