Wayne State graduate students, faculty, and staff have multiple services available on campus that can help with designing research projects and the statistical analysis of data.
The Research Design and Analysis (RDA) Unit provides these services and is available free of charge to Wayne State University faculty, staff, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate students for research NOT supported by external funding (e.g., grant, contract). For research that is supported or conducted as part of a grant or contract, a fee of $75.00/hour will be charged. The service is not available to undergraduate students.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences department of Mathematics has a statistical consulting service for the entire university community and off-campus clients.
The Big Data & Business Analytics group at Wayne State is an initiative of the College of Engineering that aims to assist enterprises in their big data adoption and value extraction challenges.
Finally, the Karmanos Cancer Biostatistics Core is a resource for Cancer Center investigators in clinical, laboratory, population studies and prevention research.