Where is my classroom?
How can I find a building?
How can I find an office?
How can I find my classroom?
If a patron is looking for a classroom or office on campus, try the following:
If the patron has location information like the building code, building name, or abbreviation, follow the link to the building abbreviations below to find the building and view a map of it's location on campus.
If the patron only has a course number go to the class schedule link below and use the browse to get the class location.
If the patron only has the class subject go to the class schedule link below and use the browse to find the subject. Alternately have the student log into Academica (link below) to look at their schedule
Is the patron looking for an academic office (like the Engineering department or the Art department)? Go to the Directory, link below.
Need something else? Try the campus Directory, link below.